You don’t have an idea about the latest virus or malware, so for that, you need to arrange your anti-virus software to scan all file kind, additions, and formats. You should know that not all anti-virus program which has real-time and is on-demand will not scan all kind of file addition and file formats by default. The popular scanner which in demand, also called a manual scanner, well those scanners can’t secure your system in real-time but will help your system by finding malware in chosen places on the local hard-drives. In some of the antivirus, your name of this feature is different it may be on-access scanning, background guard, resident shield, on-access scanning or auto-protection. You can secure your files and the system with the help of real-time scanning, you can also observe the action in the background and it will automatically fix it or delete it any detected virus.

If you are having difficulties removing malware with these products, you can refer to our help in removing difficult threats. These antimalware products also provide powerful malware removal capabilities. For real-time protection with automatic updates, use Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8 or Microsoft Security Essentials on Windows 7. This tool does not replace your antimalware product.The safety scanner is a portable executable and does not appear in the Windows Start menu or as an icon on the desktop.We recommend that you always download the latest version of this tool before each scan. Safety Scanner only scans when manually triggered and is available for use 10 days after being downloaded.

The security intelligence update version of the Microsoft Safety Scanner matches the version.

The main features of Microsoft Safety Scanner are: Simply download it and run a scan to find malware and try to reverse changes made by identified threats. Microsoft Safety Scanner is a scan tool designed to find and remove malware from Windows computers.